Publicaciones CISS. Secretaría General
II High Level Conferences Cycle: Social Security in America towards the End of the XX Century
In this book compiles the papers presented during the Second High-Level Conference Cycle, titied: Social Security in America towards the End of the XX Century, which has as its main theme Social Security Reforms and Economic and Social Policies. Such event was held at the seat of the CISS, on September 2, 3, and 4, 1996, and its main objectives were to promote the scientific and multidisciplinary analysis of social security reforms, as well as the definition of the role that economic and social policies are playing in the American countries, where there had been carried out modifications to social security systems. AII this, through the debate, the dialogue, the honest exchange of criteria and experíences, and the reflection on the recent trends on the matter. With this purpose, there were invited lecturers from Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, United States of America, and Uruguay. Besides, the Second Cycle was enriched with the attendance of especialist from the International Labor Organization (IL0), and the Economic Comission for Latín America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Compiladores: | Alvarez García, Ma. del Cármen Jiménez Durán, Octavio Ruezga Barba, Antonio |
Fecha de publicación: | 1997 |
Idioma | Inglés |
Formato: | |
Disponible en: | Acervo Digital Institucional (ADISS) Catálogo de Biblioteca del CIESS |
Serie: | Estudios ; 36 |